Saturday, July 16, 2011

Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)

Among the most known and useful Virtual Learning Environments, we have Moodle: Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. Moodle supports small and large learning communities, e-learning in schools and enterprises, different learning and teaching styles. Moodle has several features considered typical of an e-learning platform, plus some original innovations (like its filtering system). Moodle is very similar to a learning management system. Moodle can be used in many types of environments such as in education, training and development, and business settings. Some typical features of Moodle are: Assignment submission-Discussion forum-Files download-Grading-Moodle instant messages-Online calendar-Online news and announcement (College and course level)-Online quiz-Wiki. WIZIQ. When you think about what make a program a Web 2.0 Tool, certain characteristics come to mind. User Centered Information Sharing Interaction Collaboration Video Sharing These characteristics all apply to WizIQ. WizIQ has changed education. They have led the way in the free virtual classroom as well as other Web 2.0 tools for teachers and students alike. Some of these tools include networking, content library, profiles, tests, etc. Since WizIQ is solely an online education, they focus on actively participating in the technology networking. Reflection. I have used WIZIQ since the very begining of this Master program, but my experience has always been as a student and now, I have a new challenge; take the role of a teacher in WIZIQ. Even though I have done a couple of presentations in this virtual environment, now I am supposed to have the control of everything during the whole class, That means, the chat window, the audio, the presentation of the class itself, answering questions of the attendees, etc. If Wiziq has been a friendly virtual environment for me as a student, I think that it should be the same as a teacher.

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