Sunday, June 5, 2011

Podcasts, Voice Tools and Audio Recorders

A podcast is a pre-recorded audio program that's posted to a website and is made available for download so people can listen to them on personal computers or mobile devices. What distinguishes a podcast from other types of audio products on the internet is that a podcaster can solicit subscriptions from listeners, so that when new podcasts are released, they can automatically be delivered, or fed, to a subscriber's computer or mobile device. Usually, the podcast features an audio show with new episodes that are fed to your computer either sporadically or at planned intervals, such as daily or weekly.
Podcasting describes the process of using audio files to deliver syndicated website content to a digital audience. Basically, in podcasting, you create audio files that are available on your website, which people can then download to their iPods or MP3 players and listen to. “Podcasts” are delivered through RSS (Rich Site Summary) feeds; users subscribe to various podcasts which are then checked regularly for updates – just like blogs.
So podcasting is essentially another medium for delivering syndicated web content to your users. About’s Linda Roeder calls podcasting “blogging with sound”. And like blogs, services are being developed to help podcast fans find and sort through the ever-growing number of available podcasts. iTunes now has a podcast feature; sites such as allow users to find and subscribe to podcasts and even create podcasts of their own.